There are different ways that a dog can get infected with fleas. She/he can get it from your yard or lawn, other dogs, or from your carpets or furnitures that may have some fleas in them. Your dog will not be able to tell you that she/he got fleas, but one major indication that your dog might be infected with some fleas is if you started to notice that your dog has been scratching and itching a lot. Fleas can go anywhere in their body, from head to toe. Fleas are little insects that are hardly visible by the human eyes, and it goes even harder to see when your dog have long hair or fur.
But dont go panic, there are several different measures that you can do to prevent fleas, or to remove fleas from your beloved furry friend. Since it is hard to control exactly where a dog can get fleas from, it can be from your own backyard or from other dogs that they associate with, it is best to keep your dog protected by putting a shield in your dogs body to keep the fleas away. There are several different flea prevention products that you can purchase nowadays inorder to prevent fleas in your dogs. There are flea control chemicals that you can apply to your dogs back to prevent flea for months, or even a flea control collar that your dog can wear.
But if you suspect that your dog has fleas already and you need to get rid of them and do something about it before they multipy. To manually control the fleas from your dog body, you can use a flea comb to remove some of the fleas. A flea comb is a specially designed comb with tiny teeth inorder to sweep most fleas out. You can also purchase a flea body spray that you can apply to your dogs body to kill any existing fleas.
If a dog is infected with fleas, chances are some of the fleas fly off to your carpeting, etc. If you think that some of the fleas are already present in your carpeting, you can also purchase a chemical spray that you can apply to your carpet to kill the fleas. And if you suspect that your dog get the fleas from your lawn, there are also spray products that you can buy to spray in your lawn to kill the fleas.
If you use any of the flea products, always make sure that you read the instructions, labels, and proper applications so that you will be able to get the most use out of a product and not encounter any problems due to misapplications and improper treatments.
Between you and your beloved furry friend, keep the love alive, but not the fleas!
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