August 31, 2010

The Dog And Cat Encounter Wordless Wednesday

cats and dogs funny pictures animal images dog cat picture animals photography

Note: No cat was hurt during the shooting of this photograph..Happy wordless wednesday everyone!
Please checkout my other entry for the day.

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August 24, 2010

Dog Forward Stretch Wordless Wednesday

dog photography dogs image funny and cute animal pictures animals picture

Happy Wordless Wednesday to all! Dont forget to check out my other entry for the day.

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August 17, 2010

Dog In The Lawn Wordless Wednesday

Happy WW everyone! Here is my other wordless entry for the day.

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August 11, 2010

Dogs Can Play Ball Wordless Wednesday

Who says dogs cant play ball? Think again..haha.. Thank you for enjoying my blog post and photos today. Happy Wordless Wednesday! Check out my other wordless entry of the day.

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Dogs And Cookies

I always wanted to bake a homemade cookie for our dogs. We have two bigs jars of peanut butter that I bought from Costco, and I am the only one that really love to eat it at home, so I have plenty of peanut butter that I need to use up before their expiration date. I learned that dogs love peanut butter and i also noticed that some dog treats actually have some peanut butter in the ingredients. One of these days, I will find a peanut butter cookie recipe for our dogs. I have peanut butter cookie recipe for humans, i have to find our more if its actually just the same ingredients and cooking steps for the dog version.

For few years already, we have been giving our dogs Checkups Dental dog treat and they enjoy it, and the treat seems to help freshen up their breath but to save on cost, we only give it to them once a day, 1 to 2 times a week because we have more than one dog.

I was blog hopping today and I encountered this one blog that posted a recipe for minty cookies for dogs. I am yet to try the recipe myself, but Im sure our dogs cant wait to try the cookies!

August 3, 2010

A True Story Movie About Loyalty

Im so excited, I was watching TV few days ago and there was an advertisement of a recent dog movie titled Hachi: A Dog's Tale. It is a heartwarming true story about a dog named Hachi and his loyalty to his master. An amazing story of loyalty and friendship as the dog waited for nine years for his masters return in a train station. Check out the movie trailer:

In life, you will never know what to expect. And sometimes, lessons can be learn in unlikely places like Hatchi's life in which it reminds you the basic elements of human relationships like perseverance, loyalty, and friendship. YEUXWPRN4QBR

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Dogs Circle is about dog caring and welcoming them in our homes as valuable family memberm friend and pet. We talk foods, treats, tricks, toys, trainings, and a lot more doggy topics. Cute photographs and touching dog stories will also be shared.

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