January 10, 2008

www.DogsCircle.com Transition

To all my blog readers and visitors, I would like to let you know that I finally got the domain name running for this blog, DOGS CIRCLE. Instead of the old one, dogscircle.blogspot.com, the new domain name for this blog is now www.DogsCircle.com The old one still works, and will be automatically forwarded to the new domain, though.

It took me awhile to have the domain name hook up, because my registrar could not figure out my request several times. I finally have it running, hopefully you will the take time to ADD my new domain name www.DogsCircle.com in you blogrolls or links too, i would truly appreciate it! Thank you so much and have a wonderful day to you.

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Dogs Circle is about dog caring and welcoming them in our homes as valuable family memberm friend and pet. We talk foods, treats, tricks, toys, trainings, and a lot more doggy topics. Cute photographs and touching dog stories will also be shared.

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