What about you? What do you think should be the RIGHT and FAIR thing to do for dogs that attack humans?
Note: This article was first published in blog DolphinState, now called HonestlyFRESH.
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Very interesting to see this is not a problem only in France. News talk often about that last months in France. And i think that now most french people understand this is really a problem with dogs education and owner education and not only due to some kind of dogs.
I love some "dangerous" dogs but i have young children and not enough time to well care to a this kind of dog so i only have a Cavalier King Charles which really know who is the boss without difficulty.
hi Cleanettte, thank you for reading and leaving comment :-)
i agree, kids plus dangerious dogs might not be best together in the same household specially that kids are carefree, friendly, and generally playful
i do believe that dogs can be trained, but i also think there are some breeds that are aggressive than others
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