November 18, 2007

First post, cheers to our pups (Part 2)

Her name is COCO, the darling senior female dog who have strong passion for traveling, and love to love humans. She was originally the one and special best friend and companion of my hubby's mommy (Mom Barb), and now we do our very best to treat her with the same love and attention that she used to get day in and day out.

Coco is in her senior years so we try to feed her with softer food to make it easier on her broken teeth. She is very selective with the foods that she ate, and prefers moist and tender alternatives. To balance her nutrition, we still give her some hard kibbles but with mixed-in softer flavors to encourage her to it.

She is totally affectionate with humans, but she does not work very well with other dogs which is not the best since we also have another dog in the family named KATIE (see another article to know more about Katie). She is super energetic specially when she is outdoors running around in the yard without a lease.

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